Friday, January 28, 2011

i love EwE...

Homeschooling and Photography
We had a wonderful field trip visiting "EWE" today.We have passed by these sheep on several seperate occasions and I've expressed to the children how...I would love to photograph those sheep.They too wanted to stop and see them I decided that it would be the kick off to one of our many Valentine's Day Projects! I Love "EWE".... so I took it as an opportunity to teach them that sheep are also called "EWE".
Aiden has always been great at taking photos and Cody just adores the camera in general. So today I handed the camera over to Aiden and he took of few pictures of me as well as a few others that i've posted. He hasn't gotten to the editing stage yet,maybe soon?
Update: Since our little visit,the kids have been running around the house and into grandpas room...saying "i love EwE"... "i love EwE"!
Photography Projects for Science
- After a trip to the zoo, use pictures of an animal on your Treehouse of Life page.
- Use a camera to take photos on your next trip to the park or wilderness.
Picking flowers is often forbidden, but it's still possible to take the flowers home in a picture!
- Take pictures of caterpillars, chicks, puppies and other animals in various stages of development. Looking back at the photos can really make it all connect.
- Likewise, take photos of seedlings or a young sapling as they grow.
- Take pictures of the same tree for a year. This will vividly illustrate the changes that a tree goes through.
What are the educational benefits of children's photography activities?
- Photography for children offers a range of exciting and valuable learning experiences, not to mention some great experiences.
- Learning a new skill boosts children’s self esteem.
- Encourages planning and presentation skills.
- Allows children to display their potential through creativity.
- Provides children with the opportunity to be innovative.
- Photography is a way children can communicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings.
- Photos can stimulate children to develop their own ideas on design.
The photos that you and your children take will also serve as documentation of your school year, and can be a useful addition to your yearly portfolio, if you need to turn one in. It also makes a nice way to look back at the changes and growth of your homeschool.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Kumquat

A Kumquat

Today I found the right fruit for my prime,not orange, not tangelo, and not lime,
Help me celebrate that micro kumquat that I ate whole, straight off the tree, sweet pulp and sour skin--or was it sweet outside, and sour within?
For however many kumquats that I eat I'm not sure if it's flesh or rind that's sweet,and being a child full of curiosity.I'd offer my siblings some kumquats and I'd say:You'll find that one part's sweet and one part's tart:say where does the sweetness or the sourness start?Hmmmhhh...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Milky Way "Candy Day"!

Black Jack
gum representing the dark backdrop of wonder our galaxy holds.



kids had tell me what these were everytime their little fingers went near them or popped one in their mouth.

Moon or Planets

whole moon or a cresent moon?

Asteroid Math

Aiden took his handful of asteroids and used them to do his math.