Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sensory Table

Sensory Sand Fun!
The little ones have always enjoyed playing with sand at the sand table.It has helped with their fine motor skills. I've noticed when we bake now that they actually pour into the bowl and not the counter-top.
Towards the end of the Summer they were searching for new things to use {like strawberry shortcake...ummmhh}? So I hit the $ Dollar Store $ great finds...more things for them to measure with {$15.00}. This time I mixed it up a little bit by adding bird seed instead of sand. I found that with a large funnel and a juice jug {laying around} that they had more fun with the birdseed than the sand,because it makes alot more noise....fun!

1 comment:

  1. So cool! I can't wait until we have a backyard and can get all sorts of fun stuff like this for our kids! I've found out that Koty and Levi LOVE to play with uncooked pasta. Oh man, they will sit there for an hour mixing it all together in different size bowls and using different spoons and seperating it and then putting back together. Levi's favorite is putting penne pasta's into muffin pans. Hahaha.

    But it's so good for little ones to get this kind of activity with their hands. Looks like your kids have had a blast!
