Monday, October 4, 2010

Thunder Storm

This week Aiden is studying Energy. So we were in the middle of a session talking about fossil fern and that the wind blew her so hard....just like the wind outside. Wow! Look at our trees they are going to fly away, we all ran outside. Uncle Andy spotted the eye of the storm right away and gave Aiden a lesson on how when those two clouds come closer together the air is going to grow cold and the wind is going to start blowing stronger from that precise direction. Sure enough he was right a few minutes later the wind was blowing so hard to the point in literally almost knocked Aubrie over and she jumped into Uncle Andys arms. Andy said ok..wait a few more minutes those same two clouds will touch and start to make lighting. Pouring down rain at this point the lighting began to strike. Beautiful but a little unbarable so we all went in the house to dry off and was the leaves out of our eyeballs.

Needless to say that was educational in itself,so we skipped the rest of our Energy lesson and moved on to the next subject. Eventually the rain stopped and Aiden wanted to see what damage the storm had left. Amazed at the beautiful site the rain had left Aiden came running in sun is warming up and it left a Beautiful RAINBOW.

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