Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Nature's Sand Box
This outing was a little hotter than recent ones we've had.Thank goodness we brought a picnic and had lots of ice tea on hand.We found patch after patch of wild squash,dried ones at first,then came to some still on the vine.We followed a trail of pieces that led us to a hole,in hopes to see something{or not,it was a big hole}?The kids and I still talk about it and try to figure out in our conversations,what in the world it could of been? Then of course their imaginations start running wild and its turned into some huge dino-snake?!
The scenery was beautiful and had an incredible mountain view,literally surrounding us.So in a sense it felt as though the kids were just playing in a huge sandbox.
So,I was just curious with what the dictionary had to say about a sand box? If you read,and after the day out we had it's kind of sad......that we only get to bring a little piece of nature home.

A sandpit (in British English/Australian English; in American English, to denote an open pit sand mine) or sandbox (American English) is a low, wide container or shallow depression filled with sand in which children can play. Many homeowners with children build sandpits in their backyards because, unlike much playground equipment, they can be easily and cheaply constructed.

Play therapy
Play therapy is generally employed with children ages 3 to 11, provides a way for children to express their experiences and feelings through a natural, self-guided, self-healing process. As children’s experiences and knowledges are often communicated through play, it becomes an important vehicle for them know and accept themselves and others.

1 comment:

  1. I just love all these awesome hikes and nature quests you're taking the kids on! And something else I also love is how you put which method you're using for each child on the right under their picture.

    Love you friend! And miss you! Levi has ear surgery next week, but lets hang out after that!

