Friday, June 25, 2010

Sea Life Art .....

Free Art Lessons from a Children's Author & Illustrator
Jan Brett's how-to-draw videos

Sea Life Online Art-drawing this week for Aiden to add to his Field Journal. I cant express how much he loves art over any other subject. Yeah..for me because I love it too. On the other hand oh so hard when that's all he wants to do somedays??

Friday, June 18, 2010

~ Blueberry Picking

Our Fruit Picking Schedule for this year:}

June - Blueberry's

July - Raspberry's

August/September - Apple's

October - Corn & Pumkins

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer ~ Sea Life

We have officially started our Summer Sea Life Study. Looking forward to the Summer outdoor activities with education intertwined. I don't think the kids will even notice. No knowledge break at this house.

.. Videos for quiet time or before bed..

Aiden has his heart set on meeting with a Sea Horse on this Summer journey of ours.....

La Jolla Children's Pool and La Jolla Seals

Shell Beach Tide Pools

B.A~Theres something about Sea Horses

Expected Grunion Runs for 2010

Aquarium of the Pacific

Just for Kids {Thank you Ocean}

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The End of Spring

When full-bellied summer came
to supplant the sweet spring,
she left in silence, like a recluse,
pulling the door closed behind her.
Before I could protest —
before anyone could even notice —
she’d packed her things and tied up her hair,
fingers soft in the moonlight.
And then she turned
and walked out into the brittle air of morning,
leaving behind
only sleeves drenched in dew,
and flowers
strewn about my feet
like a dropped handkerchief.

Friday, June 4, 2010

June Calender

Date Sunrise Sunset Daylight

June 15 5:38 AM 7:59 PM 14:21:00

June 16 5:38 AM 8:00 PM 14:21:15

June 17 5:39 AM 8:00 PM 14:21:27

June 18 5:39 AM 8:00 PM 14:21:36

Yesterday 5:39 AM 8:01 PM 14:21:43

Today 5:39 AM 8:01 PM 14:21:46

Tomorrow 5:39 AM 8:01 PM 14:21:47

June 22 5:39 AM 8:01 PM 14:21:46