Our reason to Homeschool

     Because we want to!

Our Future.
Our future,our prayers and our plan is to have a quite,cute ,{rustic and old} little farm of somekind someday.
One where a few cows will graze as they find there way throu the sun kissed morning dew. One where chickens can roam until there feet are tired. One where the list of chores {laundry} are never finished. One which will instill great work ethic and love for ones surroundings. One that will have the means to nourish curiosity,creativity and childhood adventures that never end or just to Daydream. One with a Pottery Wheel & Kiln to instill appreciation for the arts,something that is created with time and patience.One with a Grande Piano where joy,sadness or frustrations will take one away to a place all their own.One that will nurture our Love of Learning ,a home filled with books and a simpler life to actually enjoy them.One where in the end we all call this special place HOME.

Why did we decide to home school?
Reading how a child needs a close attachment with there parents, especially before the age of ten, if they are to emotionally thrive through adolescence, I began to question whether it was best to be separated from my child {Aiden} for the majority of his waking hours.

What are our dreams for our children, scholastically?
"The question is not, 'how much does the youth know?' when he has finished his education––but how much does he care?

'Parenthood is no longer lasting as long as childhood'
-- that our children need parents to be intimately involved, moment-by-moment, not till they are only four years old and leave home for school and possible peer dependency, but they need us to be parents until they are fourteen years old and older.... "We need to hold on to our children and help them hold on to us. We need to hold on to them until our work is done," writes Dr. Neufeld

Live your life. Invite your children to join you! Read together. Pray together. Sing together. Work, bake, garden, chore, clean, sew, fix, build together. Don't fabricate artificial lines between schooling and living. Live a one-piece life. Live holistically.

Explore! Be awed by His World! Restore Wonder! Be a creative, thinking, exuberant person who spills with the joy of learning. Your zest for learning and life will be contagious--the children will catch it!

Read, read, read. Fill the house with books {I've been wanting a home Library for more years then I can count}. Play classical music. Post the art of the masters about the house. Go for walks in the woods. Learn a new language, a new culture, a new poem. Everyday set out to discover again, and again, and again. The whole earth is full of His glory! Go out and explore it...

Homeschooling is this magnificent world for me of not knowing how wonderful it is going to turn out, it is going to reveal my impurities and sinfulness and brokenness that I'm lacking in my patience department.It's going to keep us on our toes.Homeschooling I'm sure for me will hurt and disappoint,I always want everything to run smoothly and for everyone to have fun.I will prpbably call Shadd 6 times a day wondering if I was crazy insane to try to educate these children of ours, to disciple there little hearts, while doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, managing our household, and still being a wife, a sister, and a daughter {Hopefully this will allow more time for that}.

I also pray to sacrificially love in ways I've never loved before. With much needed PATIENCE {said my husband}and know my own heart in ways I could've never imagined,I want to read the souls of our children in an intimate way that I've never experienced before until now that weve decided to move on with our new journey,life in very real ways